4 Easy Lifestyle Changes To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Air pollution and global warming are now a major threat to all mankind. WHO reports that around 7 million people die in a year as a result of air pollution exposure. 65% of the deaths in Asia and 25% deaths in India are due to air pollution alone.

Here are simple lifestyle tips to decrease your carbon footprint.

Care for your car!

Though using public transport as much as possible is the best way, but if you do plan to drive yourself, make sure your car is in optimum condition. Certain tips include:

  • Change the fuel filter and air filter at least once a year, or every 12,000 miles. A dirty air filter has restricted air flow causing the engine to operate less efficiently.
  • Keep the tires properly inflated and aligned. This will reduce emissions and save fuel.
  • Fill up the tank after sunset. This will keep evaporative emissions from reacting with sunlight to form ozone pollution.
  • Don't top your tank when refueling. This may cause spillage, which evaporates and contributes to smog.

Energy saved is money saved!

  • Turn off the appliances when not in use.
  • Install energy-efficient LEDs.
  • Wash clothes in cold water and leave them to dry naturally.
  • Purchase appliances with the ENERGY STAR label or buy water-saving showerheads and nozzles/taps such as the Magideal Kitchen tap 360. These are innovative tools that can reduce water wastage by up to 87%. Water dispenses in shower/spray type patterns to give higher efficiency in wash while using very less water in comparison.
  • The 3 R’s should be judiciously followed - Recycling, Reusing, and Reducing - so that less waste is generated which leads to lesser burnt garbage, hence resulting in lower air pollution levels.

Eat local, Eat fresh

  • Buying locally sourced, organic, vegan, unprocessed foods from local farmers, farmers markets, green restaurants, and health food stores cuts down on the fuel used to ship products from distant places - or 'food miles' - reducing the carbon footprint of your food by 7%.
  • In addition to 'food miles', storing and processing food consumes electricity, which in turn is produced by burning fuel, adding to the carbon footprint of your food. Go for foods that are fresh, and preferably not processed.
  • Pick foods that are native to the region. Typically, growing non-native foods requires a greenhouse/hot house and fertilizers, thus adding to its carbon footprint.

Laptop vs Desktop

Laptops, unlike desktop computers, are designed to be energy-efficient, because battery life is a major factor in laptop design. According to Energy Star, a laptop can be up to 80% more energy-efficient than a desktop. So maybe it’s time to throw those outdated desktops out?

Follow these easy tips and be a part of the solution, not the problem!


About the author

Airveda team is a group of people helping everyone breathe well and live well.